General Guidelines
Things to remember during Irregular Operations
If your outbound is delayed or cancelled you must still show for your original report time unless you have been properly notified of a change to your pairing
Flight Attendants are not required to "monitor" CCS for changes to their pairing
Get the names of EVERYONE you talk to at Crew Scheduling, local base management and the Flight Attendant Support Team (FAST)
Take screenshots of your chats, call wait times to demonstrate your efforts to contact Crew Scheduling
Once on duty, remain at at the airport and do not "self release" until after you have exceeded your actual duty limitations
If you exceed your actual duty limitations, before you "self release" attempt to contact Crew Scheduling once more (you may start this call 30 mins prior)
Never jumpseat or pass ride out of position unless you have been released from your pairing by Crew Scheduling
For self-help, you can expense hotels (yours as well as other crew members' ) and transportation through the Concur app on the Link - payment is usually within 3-5 business days
When self-helping for a hotel, always let the company know where you are via conversation with local base management (get names) or by emailing your supervisor (often, they will cover your hotel costs in the moment once you make contact)
You cannot "decline" reassignment