Below are the most common scenarios that prove problematic during IROPs and long call wait times.
My Pairing Needs Updating (after reporting for duty)
When you are on duty and unable to operate your next segment due to misconnect or cancellation:
Attempt to contact Crew Scheduling via call/chat
It is the position of AFA that call wait times of over thirty (30) minutes are unreasonable. So far, despite our continuous requests that the Company address the issue of intolerable call wait times, the Company has refused to advise AFA as to how long they believe a reasonable wait time is. After holding in excess of thirty (30) minutes, we suggest you take screen shots to document the length of your hold time, and further ask that you fill out a Call Wait Times Report. We will update this information as soon as we are able to obtain clarification from the Company
Contact local base management (Concierge Desk) and advise that your pairing needs updating and that you are waiting for a call from Crew Scheduling. If no one is available at the location you are currently at, use the Base Directory to get ahold of another base (e.g. 0000 in EWR is 1800 in HNL and someone is likely to be available).
Do NOT leave until you have been released from duty by Crew Scheduling via notification OR you exceed your Duty Max (Actual)
Unless you have a known/scheduled delay of "more than 4 hours" you are not entitled to a hotel room
The wait time for a call from Crew Scheduling could be substantial but since you have reported for duty, this time should count as duty hours ("UA Duty" in your pairing)
Log the time that you have been on duty and when you make contact with Crew Scheduling make sure your pairing is updated to reflect the time you waited at the airport as "UA Duty"
If you exceed your actual Duty Max (Actual) while waiting for an update to your pairing, see "Over Actual Duty Max" below
Projected Over Duty Max - (I'm illegal to work my final segment)
When you are projected over duty max for your next (and final) segment based on your actual duty max and originally scheduled flight time (How to Calculate FA Door Closure), follow these steps.
Once you reach your FA Door Closure time, if on board with passengers and the boarding door is still open, put in the EZ Chat that "Flight Attendant/s (include names) have timed out for max duty and are no longer legal to operate this flight"
Advise flight deck and CSR
Attempt to contact Crew Scheduling via call or chat
You may be required to stay with pax until your replacements arrive
Do not "walk off" the aircraft or violate FAA minimums if passengers onboard
While you are not legal to work this flight, you are still legal to be on duty until you reach your actual max and may be legal to operate another, shorter flight, and/or remain onboard with passengers until the replacement crew arrives.
Over Actual Duty Max (release from duty)
If you have actually timed out while waiting for an update to your pairing, either at base before operating your first segment or downline (after you have operated a segment) and you have reached your actual duty max (13 hours for a report time of 1900-0459 HDT or 15 hours for a report time of 0500-1859 HDT) then:
Attempt to contact Crew Scheduling. It is the position of AFA that call wait times of over thirty (30) minutes are unreasonable. So far, despite our continuous requests that the Company address the issue of intolerable call wait times, the Company has refused to advise AFA as to how long they believe a reasonable wait time is. After holding in excess of thirty (30) minutes, we suggest you take screen shots to document the length of your hold time. We will update this information as soon as we are able to obtain clarification from the Company
Contact local base management to advise you are over duty for the day and are in need of a hotel, they should be able to assist
Note the time and how long you have been on duty since your inbound (or since your report if no flights worked). Crew Scheduling will need this info in order to update your pairing with the correct duty time ("UA Duty" in your pairing)
Email your supervisor the location of your self help layover hotel when you arrive so that the company knows your location
Wait for Crew Scheduling to contact you and remain at the hotel until you have an update to your pairing
Illegal Layover (upon arrival)
After you land at your scheduled layover point and you do not have a legal layover due to your late arrival
Attempt to contact Crew Scheduling while en route to the hotel and through check-in at the hotel. It is the position of AFA that call wait times of over thirty (30) minutes are unreasonable. So far, despite our continuous requests that the Company address the issue of intolerable call wait times, the Company has refused to advise AFA as to how long they believe a reasonable wait time is. After holding in excess of thirty (30) minutes, we suggest you take screen shots to document the length of your hold time. We will update this information as soon as we are able to obtain clarification from the Company
While you are not required to check CCS for an update to your pairing, if you do and your pairing has been updated with a priority message for a reassignment, you may acknowledge the pairing update and proceed to your report time with legal rest.
If your layover rest does not comply with Section 6.V or 6.W of the JCBA (as applicable) wait for Crew Scheduling to call you.
Remain at your layover hotel until you've been notified (via CCS acknowledgment or positive contact) of a reassignment.
You may contact local base management to advise that you are waiting for scheduling to call you and you may email your supervisor the same