
Below are the most common scenarios that prove problematic during IROPs and long call wait times. 

My Pairing Needs Updating (after reporting for duty)

When you are on duty and unable to operate your next segment due to misconnect or cancellation:

Projected Over Duty Max - (I'm illegal to work my final segment)

When you are projected over duty max for your next (and final) segment based on your actual duty max and originally scheduled flight time (How to Calculate FA Door Closure), follow these steps.

Over Actual Duty Max (release from duty)

If you have actually timed out while waiting for an update to your pairing, either at base before operating your first segment or downline (after you have operated a segment) and you have reached your actual duty max (13 hours for a report time of 1900-0459 HDT or 15 hours for a report time of 0500-1859 HDT) then:

Illegal Layover (upon arrival)

After you land at your scheduled layover point and you do not have a legal layover due to your late arrival