Reassignments & Drafting
Reassignments and Drafting
For lineholders, Section 7.Q in the JCBA covers the loss of flying due to cancellations, misconnects and legalities. All 7.Q reassignments are based on when you are notified of the loss of flying. Notification can be initiated by either Crew Scheduling OR by the Flight Attendant. Drafting is covered here also and is completely different to 7.Q reassignment. See Drafting below.
Points to remember about reassignments
You may not "decline" reassignment
RX stands for "reassign" (not "reserve")
Once reassigned, there is no further obligation for remaining RX days (no "calling back")
If after being reassigned, there is an operational disruption to your pairing, you may be reassigned again (Pending the outcome of EWR-01040-2019)
7.Q.1 Notice on same day as start of pairing
You cannot decline reassignment
If the first segment of your pairing has been cancelled, unless you are notified of a change to your report time, you are still obligated to report for duty at your original report time
If, prior to report, your entire pairing has been replaced with RX, unless you are notified of a change to your report time you are still obligated to report for duty at your original report time
After you report for duty, you must remain at the airport while attempting to establish notification of the loss of flight time. Notification starts the "4 hour" window. (While AFA's position is that the 4:00 window should start at report time in this situation, currently we do not have agreement with the company)
If your flight cancels AFTER you report, the 4:00 window does not start until there is notification (see also Scenario: My Pairing Needs Updating (After Reporting for Duty)
Attempt to contact Crew Scheduling. It is the position of AFA that call wait times of over thirty (30) minutes are unreasonable. So far, despite our continuous requests that the Company address the issue of intolerable call wait times, the Company has refused to advise AFA as to how long they believe a reasonable wait time is. After holding in excess of thirty (30) minutes, we suggest you take screen shots to document the length of your hold time. We will update this information as soon as we are able to obtain clarification from the Company
Contact local base management (Concierge Desk) to advise you are waiting for an update to your pairing
While you are not obligated to monitor CCS for an update to your pairing, if you choose to do so and your pairing is updated with a reassignment, then you may acknowledge the priority message and proceed to your flight/assignment
It is possible that during long call hold times, you may be waiting for a very long time for notification (via positive contact or priority CCS message that you acknowledge) and so we recommend you save your phone battery and minutes. Rest and relax at the airport while you wait
You should wait no longer than your max duty time (actual) and if you time out while waiting for an update to your pairing, follow steps for "Over Actual Duty Max" scenario
7.Q.3 Notification of one or more calendar days
If at the time of notification (one (1) or more calendar days prior to start of pairing) Crew Scheduling does not reassign or release you, then you have options:
If you wish to remain pay protected you must call back the evening before the original trip between 1800-2200 for reassignment
If you do not wish to be pay protected/reassigned, then do not call back and the RX should be removed and you can have the days free or you may choose to pick up
Remember, the option to "not call" is unique to 7.Q.3 and then, ONLY after you have made initial contact via notification and were not reassigned at that time
When you choose to call scheduling, you may call concerning one or multiple schedule disruptions, and at that time 7.Q.3 applies for any/all pairings discussed.
If you are not notified at all, then the expectation is that you will show at your original report time
If at any point, a reassignment is given, then there is no further obligation and any unassigned RX days should be changed to RLSD and PROT at that time
7.Q.5 Downline Reassignment
You cannot decline reassignment
The language in the last paragraph above, is part of a settlement from August of 2019. The LOA therefore reads differently from contract section 7.Q.5 and effectively clarifies it with the subsequent NOD settlement language.
If reassigned, you cannot decline the reassignment.
If at the time of notification downline, no reassignment is given AND the only reassignment is to return you directly to base (either working or deadheading), then Crew Scheduling has until aircraft block-in of the return flight to place the complete reassignment in your Master Schedule
This means that if there is no reassignment pairing in your Master Schedule by the time the aircraft blocks in from your return flight, you are to be released and pay protected and there is no further opportunity for Crew Scheduling to reassign you for any remaining RX days.
If Crew Scheduling attempt to reassign you after block-in of the return flight, you should remind them to reference the "7.Q.5 Settlement language"
You may need to get a Scheduling manager involved as they are famous for "forgetting" this important Settlement language
Any remaining RX days should show RLSE PROT in your master schedule in order for you to be paid
If they do not, you will need to contact Crew Scheduling to have it updated.
Alternatively, if at the time of notification downline, Crew Scheduling does provide a reassignment (meaning you are not returned directly to base) then you have been reassigned and there is no further obligation. Any unassigned RX days that remain after reassignment should be changed to RLSE PROT at that time
7.Q.6 Illegal for Next Pairing
You cannot decline reassignment
You must attempt to contact Crew Scheduling for reassignment as soon as possible upon return from the trip that caused the INE
It is the position of AFA that call wait times of over thirty (30) minutes are unreasonable. So far, despite our continuous requests that the Company address the issue of intolerable call wait times, the Company has refused to advise AFA as to how long they believe a reasonable wait time is. After holding in excess of thirty (30) minutes, we suggest you take screen shots to document the length of your hold time. We will update this information as soon as we are able to obtain clarification from the Company
You may advise local base management (Concierge Desk) that you are attempting to reach Crew Scheduling
After 30 mins, you have fulfilled your obligation per 7.Q.6 in that you attempted to contact Crew Scheduling for RX
Remember to document your attempts to contact Crew Scheduling and any conversations with base management (get names)
7.Q.4 Reassignment Parameters & Pay
Reassignment and/or replacement pairings provided for in Paragraphs Q.1., 2. and 3. above will comply with the following:
a. Reassignments may not be scheduled to depart earlier than two hours (2:00) before the scheduled departure of the trip lost. If an earlier reassignment interferes with a Flight Attendant’s prior day off, she/he shall receive $15.00 per hour, in addition to her/his regular rate of pay, for all time worked prior to the scheduled departure of the trip lost.
b. Reassignments may not be scheduled to interfere with the next scheduled calendar day off appearing in the Flight Attendant’s bid line without the Flight Attendant’s consent. If the Flight Attendant consents to a reassignment that interferes with her/his next scheduled day off, in addition to the restoration of days off provided in Paragraph R., the Flight Attendant will be paid 150% pay for all block hours flown in each scheduled day off for the reassignment. In this circumstance, you will not receive the $15.00 per hour (If applicable).
c. Notwithstanding Paragraph Q.4.b. above, Flight Attendants based at an International Domicile, other than Honolulu and Guam, may be reassigned to a trip scheduled to return to her/his Base within twenty-four hours (24:00) of her/his original scheduled arrival.
(1). Flight Attendants who receive reassignments under this Paragraph Q.4.c. shall receive pay in accordance with below Paragraph Q.4.d.
(2). Reassignments pursuant to this Paragraph Q.4.c. shall not apply in International Domiciles where 25% or more of the trips in the bid packet are less than three (3) days. In those locations, Paragraphs Q.4.a. and b. above, shall apply.
d. Flight Attendants who are reassigned to trips originating from domestic bases, other than those resulting from changeover pairings, which are scheduled to terminate more than two hours (2:00) after the original scheduled arrival time of the trip lost, shall receive $15.00 per hour and fraction thereof (prorated), in addition to their regular rate of pay, for all time on duty beyond the original scheduled arrival time of the trip lost.
e. Reassignments may be a combination of multiple and/or single duty periods.
Drafting Parameters:
Drafting assignments for open pairings at a Base shall not be made more than six (6) hours prior to scheduled departure
Lineholders shall be considered drafted when removed from their assigned flight (which is operating) for which they are legal, available and in position to fly, and assigned to cover any other flights
Once drafted, Lineholders are not subject to reassignment for any subsequent RX days that are created as a result of the draft and are pay protected for those pairings
Reserves cannot be "drafted"
Drafting Pay
In addition to all other applicable pay protection provisions, a drafted Flight Attendant shall receive three hours (3:00) of pay, including FSL/Purser, galley, and language if applicable, for pay purposes only.